You are invited to become a member of First Baptist Church. The hymn of invitation at the end of every service provides anyone the opportunity to come to the front of the sanctuary and speak with one of our pastors about uniting with us in one of the following ways:
If one professes faith in Jesus Christ, and desires to pattern their life after Christ’s teachings, then the church may receive that person as a candidate for baptism as commissioned by our Lord.
If one is a member of a church of “like faith” and has been baptized by immersion, that person may join our church and cooperate with its programs by the reception of a letter of membership from the person’s former church.
When it is not possible for various reasons to get a letter of membership from their former church, a person may join our church by their statement of having received Jesus Christ as Savior, as well as having been scripturally baptized by proper church authority.
If one knows they are a child of God, by faith in Jesus Christ, but belongs to a church of dissimilar faith and practice, then that person may be received by baptism if they desire to embrace the Biblical principles and doctrines we hold dear.