Getting Involved – Opportunities to Serve

This is a highly under-estimated ministry. It does a great service to young parents, who are seeking to include the Lord in their family life, to know that their babies are safe, loved, and well cared for in a clean and comfortable environment. There is no telling how great a kingdom work this truly is. Opportunities for service include nursery workers, assistant workers, and cleaning crews.

FBC provides van transportation to Sunday School and Worship for many children, as well as adults who cannot drive. It also provides a van service Sunday and Wednesday evenings for adults. Opportunities for service include both bus and van drivers and helpers.

Reaching out to others according to zip code. Monthly meetings/fellowship on Sunday evening.

This is a very culturally-relevant ministry. Not only does the sound booth need to be staffed by capable persons, but our video cameras need to be staffed as well. Creative talents are needed also to put together slide and video presentations and to present them. Opportunities for service include running sound equipment and Livestream software.

Worship is vital to the life of the church and music is vital to worship. The Music Ministry at First Baptist includes a choir, worship team, soloists, and small groups which present special music in the church services. We also have musicians who accompany the congregation on hymns and/or soloists and small groups. Special Music is played on various keyboard instruments, guitars, percussion, and orchestral instruments. If you play an instrument or sing, and attend our services regularly, this could be a ministry opportunity for you.
And whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of your inheritance. For you serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3: 23, 24